Sunday, June 26, 2011

Seeking Balance

"Always keep in mind that the goal of practice is to make things easier". --Edmund Sprunger.

We are currently on day 49 in our 100 Days of Practice Challenge! Almost half way there! Yeeeaaayy! :)

I actually thought that following up on the piano practice would be a lot easier during the Summer, but some days have been more challenging than others. We go out swimming, have playdates with friends, go to parties, mom has to catch up with work, we all have to catch up with chores at home, and some days I have to admit we just barely make it practicing piano BUT we STILL manage doing it.

Big A is still motivated and he loves to play piano without my supervision, in other words, play freely without a routine. That's OK with me, but at some point in the day we do our chart practice so we can measure progress and I can oversee how is he playing and make sure he has a good posture etc.

Our teacher is thrilled with our progress and decided last week to even give us more homework, so our daily practice has become a bit longer now, and to my surprise I was the only one who sort of complained to the teacher :), big A was happy about it and he even requested more 'homework'.

On a different note today we finished our Hundreds Club chart for the French Children piece! We completed that chart just as we did with Cuckoo, we practiced 5 times that piece for 20 days and voila! we are done with 100 times! This is our second chart!

It feels nice and gives both of us a nice sense of accomplishment, and it helps big A mastering each new piece a lot faster. Our next move after this is probably Lightly Row with both hands as we are currently putting the two hands together with the patterns and the melody.

What are you doing currently with your child?, how is your daily practice going?

In my next post, I will review a couple of chapters of the book I am reading: Helping Parents Practice by Edmund Sprunger. I have been doing some more reading and I have some opinions about what the author writes. I have been slowly reading this book but I will get there :).

Thanks for reading and happy practicing!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer has begun!

Hello everyone! I am back after a while of not posting here. With the beginning of the Summer a lot of things have changed in our routine. Big A is currently on Summer break and he is at home with me. So I have been extra busy trying to keep him entertained most of the day.

Today we had our Suzuki lesson, the first lesson of our Summer classes. Our teacher was very happy with all our progress! I was very happy and proud of all our hard work during these past days, I am happy to report that it is paying off!

We are still on the 100 Days of Practice Challenge, we are on day 38!! And I can only say that is AMAZING how much can you improve when being diligent and disciplined enough to practice everyday, it has made a big difference in every aspect.

So we finished our 100 Cuckoos, and now we are filling up quickly our 100 times chart for the French Children's Song. Big A is picking up quickly on all new pieces, we are currently working on 3 new pieces, and he is very positive and has a great attitude towards the challenge.

If I were to give any advise to any Suzuki parent that is currently struggling seeing improvements in their practice or in their process, I would say give it a try to the 100 days of practice challenge, better yet, try it for 20 days, you will see how much you and your child improve the quality of your practice that you will be hooked AND convinced that this challenge is worth to keep it up.

I myself am thinking on applying this concept to other areas where big A and I are currently struggling :).

It has been only one week since we started officially our Summer break, but I am exhausted! and of course, have a renewed appreciation for all teachers :).

Little A will start her Music Together class this Friday, we are excited about it, she was in this class the past Winter and she loved it! We still play their CD all the time at home and in the car to cheer us up.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to share here your opinions about your own Suzuki progress!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's all about the Planning

This weekend was kind of hard for our Suzuki practice. Yes, is the beginning of Summer and there is so much to do, and the days are longer, and there is so much excitement about playing outdoors! So yesterday we spent most of our day outside, we went swimming and when we were back we were ALL tired BUT, we are on a CHALLENGE, remember? so we had to practice Piano even if we are too tired.

So big A and me argued for a while, he had a really negative attitude, I blame it to the fact he was tired, I myself wanted to go to bed too. However somehow we were able to practice productively our pieces according to the chart.
The thing about practicing when one is too tired or hungry is that there is no room for enjoying the music making process, which defeats the whole Suzuki philosophy. We, as parents, are supposed, to nurture with love.
So, lesson learned for myself: If I know we are heading to the pool the whole day, we must practice before when big A is as fresh as a lettuce!

I guess it all boils down to a better planning of our time and energy.

Today's practice was fun and a little more improvised. Big A stil had to practice a couple of pieces but he was very interested in experiencing the piano on a different level. He played a remix of all the tunes he know making up new songs. It actually was fun! Little A joined him with some drums and then they switched spots.

I am excited for Summer, but I know we will have to make a TOP priority practicing piano before we do anything else.

We are still on the 100 Days of Practice challenge, currently on day # 28!

Thanks for reading and until the next time!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Getting Creative

Big A has been getting creative lately whenever we practice at home. He has found ways to keep himself interested and motivated.
Yesterday he was trying to play the "Imperial March from Star Wars, ( he is a big fan of the movies). At some point he felt a bit frustrated and he decided to do something else. Then, one day he started to play a 'new piece', it actually sounded very good, and he was taking his time practicing it and correcting himself. I was very impressed in the beginning, he seemed to know what was he doing. When I told him "That sounds beautiful!, where did you learn that song?", he told me "It is Cuckoo, but played on backwards!". Wow! I never imagined that a piece could even be played 'backwards'!
But kids are that way, they find a thousand different possibilities to play with the same toy, or with the same game. I imagine big A started to feel a bit bored to be repeating every practice the same pieces he has memorized, even though there is still room for improvement.

So since then I decided to give him some time (like a free choice) to do what he wants to do at some point after we are done with our practice or before, so he can choose to play whatever he wants without my intervention, unless he asks for it :).

Today, at the end of our practice he explored the Suzuki book and tried to play a few songs that are more advanced, he tried, and sometimes he got a line or two right. But what I appreciate about this the most, is the brand new enthusiasm and motivation he is showing.
Then after his bath, he requested to play a few flash card games from the Puppy Packet, he was truly immerse in the game, but I had to end it as he still has to go to school tomorrow.

Little A is my youngest daughter, she is almost 17 months old. I do not mention her that much in this blog because she is not taking Suzuki lessons currently, however she is always present when we listen to the CD, or when big A practices at home. My plan is to have her start Suzuki lessons when she turns 3 years old. So far, she can hum some of the Suzuki songs from the CD, which I find very interesting and cute. She would love to take part of the fun when big A is playing the piano, she always wants to go to the piano and play.

So the other day when big A was still in school, I sat little A on the piano bench and let her do whatever she wanted. "Go ahead", I said "play as much as you want". She was so excited that in the beginning she could not do anything but smile, then she took off. She played the keys with both hands open, then she played with one hand at a time, then she tried to use one or two fingers to play. It was very interesting and I felt very happy to see she is already loving the instrument :).

Now with Summer break getting so close, we will have more time to practice piano and play games (I hope). Is hard to stay inside the house sometimes when we finally are getting nice and warm weather to play outdoors.

This is it for now. Thanks for reading and please feel free to share your games and tricks to keep at-home practice fun!

Happy Practicing!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Activities and Materials

 "Monotony is the enemy of music"--Shin'ichi Suzuki.

I would like to share with you some of the materials we are using at home to make our practices more interesting for big A.

Our Books:
- Piano Suzuki Book 1
- The Music Tree 'Time to Begin' Book.
- The Music Tree 'Activities' Book.

As you can see in the picture above we also work using a 'Homework chart'. This chart was designed by our teacher this previous semester and let me tell you that it has made a big difference in the way that we have organized our activities. Thanks to this chart we can keep a consistent routine, our teacher can see what did we do at home the previous week and follow up on that or give us a new challenge. Big A gets to see the chart as well and see all the work he has done at home, so it becomes 'real' for him, and he feels good about it.
Here is a close up to our "Homework chart".
The activities that this chart includes are:

1. Listening to the CD. As you know this is very important in the Suzuki method. Children must listen the CD at least once a day, or more. I have a copy of the CD in our car so whenever we are in the car we listen the CD. Sometimes I play it while the kids eat breakfast or dinner, or while A is doing homework or drawing.
2. Technique. This means some warm ups exercises. There are several that we have learned and we try to vary the 'menu' so big A doesn't get bored.
3. Note Reading. This is an assigned page(s) from The Music Tree book 'Time to begin'. It contains music reading exercises and I usually just mark in the chart how many times did we practice certain page (3X= 3 times).
4. Songs Review. The name of the piece is listed so we can note which hand(s) did we practice with and how many times.
5. New Piece. We have special homework whenever we are learning a new piece, for example, work on certain line, or make sure to keep the finger positions in certain way, etc. This is more specific to the piece we are learning.
6. Other. This is for a different activity we did, such as music games, or a 'dessert piece', this means a piece that is not in the book but the child is interested in learning. For example, during the Winter semester we did 'Jingle Bells'.
And I like to add at the end of the page a 'smiley face' to show to the teacher and to big A the mood we had when we were practicing. It seems silly but somehow 'smiley faces' and stickers have a very powerful motivational effect on kids :).

Here is big A working on one of The Music Tree books.

You already know the 'Hundreds Chart', we will be requesting a new one to our teacher, so far has helped us keep the mood up, so we'll use it as much as possible :).


Some extra activities we do come from 'The Puppy Packet', which is a box with flash cards for different games to practice different things . This packet can be used by any student learning music, since is not exclusive for the Piano instrument.
Take a peek at our packet.

This is the packet open. I like that it comes with a handy dandy container easy to access and keep the flashcards organized. It has a book with the instructions on how to play the different games. The quality is very nice. We just added a dice to our package as sometimes when big A and I start arguing on how many times should he practice a piece, if we do not agree on a number, we agree on rolling the dice and practice as many times as he rolls. Is a fair resolution for both of us :).

To your right you can see the grand staff, it comes with some plastic, colorful, fun, BUT (the best feature of ALL) is MAGNETIZED chips, which makes the clean up after the game so much faster and attractive for the little ones to help!
Here is the 'Magic wand' (included in the packet), that makes possible such magic.

Now, I am not going to lie to you, this packet was NOT cheap. I waited a long time until I decided to purchase it, I tried to see if I could buy it second hand first but after months of checking craigslist and the local music stores, the opportunity never arrived. So I went ahead and bought it online at a website our teacher recommended.
I figured that little A could use it as well as she will be starting Suzuki in a year and a half or so.

And this is how the Puppy Packet is closed. Is nice that it was designed in a briefcase child size format so the kids can carry it themselves.
This box fits perfectly fine inside the piano bench.

Big A's favorite games are:

- Musical Scrabble
- Musical Go Fish
- Blue, Yellow flash cards.
- Rainbow flashcards.

Today we had a great practice. One of big A's friends just started piano lessons as well, he came to our house for a playdate and big A played Cuckoo for him, his friend was amazed and encouraged.
I am hoping that this also encourages big A to perform more for others. I bet is nice that one of his best friends is taking piano lessons as well, one more thing they will have in common :). And is nice because, up until now, he did not know anyone personally that had to go to piano classes, so now he knows he is not the only one among his friends :).

I hope you find this post useful, please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to share with us your child's favorite music games.

Happy practicing and until next time!